The late afternoon paddle began like any other; boat in the water, beautiful scenery, campground on the distant shore...Hmmm....why do all those campers have sports cars with numbers on the sides? Why does that road camber up and bend around on itself dissapearing behind that fence with the Ferrari advert? Wait a second, that's not a campground that's a race track!! This beautiful coincidence had my lovely paddling partner and I chatting to the drivers about the race meet that was to begin the next day!! Returning armed with my camera and name-dropping drivers to get behind the scenes, I spent the morning inspecting race cars of all shapes and sizes, chatting with more drivers and watching the different classes duke it out on the track. Such an unexpected and pleasant suprise.
After trying the local delicacy 'Maple Taffy on Snow' we hit the road back to Ottawa, this time with the top down on the Mustang. All in all a great little holiday within a holiday (take that inception).
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